We will call upon the wisdom of “Hansel and Gretel”, a fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm.
We will explore the story through symbolic Psychodrama, a method created by Irene Henche in The School of Symbolic Psychodrama in Spain.
As we walk in the shoes of Hansel and Gretel many issues may come to the surface: abandonment, relationships between siblings and issues around food: gluttony, greed, overeating etc.
This workshop is experiential, and participants will be invited to explore the story in depth and engage actively in the activities. The story and accompanying exercises could then be used safely with clients of different ages, face to face or online.
Stories have been with us since the very beginning of humanity when we gathered around the fire to listen to myths of creation to connect us with our inner selves, our clan and the universe. Stories have accompanied us through dark times, of war and plague and they are here to accompany us now, with their medicine, in this time of uncertainty.
Course Content

Jennifer Ramsay is a professional storyteller. She has told stories in more than 2,000 events and trained hundreds of people in the ancestral art of storytelling. She works with story medicine in private practice and as a group facilitator in unique workshops, weaving stories into Nature Based Art Therapy, Gestalt therapy, Symbolic Psychodrama and Embodiment work.
She has a degree in Biological Sciences and is part of the global network of Earth Storytellers. The rhythms of nature are very present as she incorporates the Celtic wheel of the year and the lunar cycles into her work.
She is the founder of Story Arte, a centre for Art Therapy and Storytelling in the village where she lives, in the foothills near Madrid.