
IFS and You: An IFS take on the Drama Triangle and Healthy Triangle Part 1 Workshop with Emma Redfern

Join BACP-Snr Accred psychotherapist and supervisor, certified IFS therapist and approved clinical consultant, IFS author...

Last updated 6 May 2024
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Join BACP-Snr Accred psychotherapist and supervisor, certified IFS therapist and approved clinical consultant, IFS author and editor as she introduces her Internal Family Systems (IFS) take on the Drama Triangle (aka Karpman’s Triangle) and the Healthy Triangle.

Prior to attending the first workshop, participants will benefit from watching the film Star Trek into Darkness as dialogue, themes and relationships featuring in this film will inform the workshops, especially Part I. The psychological arc of the character John Halloran in TV show the Outlaws will also form part of the discussion in Part I.

The workshops will be experiential, interactive and teaching will include a reminder of the IFS model, both triangles and how they relate to each other. It is advisable to attend or watch recordings sequentially and these are not stand-alone workshops but a series with each part building on the workshop(s) before.

Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event

  • Attendees will familiarise themselves with the presenter’s IFS take on Drama Triangle dynamics interpersonally as well as intrapersonally.
  • Participants will gain an understanding of the shift to the Healthy Triangle which can occur using their preferred therapeutic modality.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own parts (subpersonalities) relevant to Drama Triangle dynamics.

Course Content

IFS and You: An IFS take on the Drama Triangle and Healthy Triangle Part 1 Workshop with Emma Redfern


Emma Redfern

Emma Redfern has been a psychotherapist for 20 years. Her initial training was Humanistic Integrative. However, over the years, she has become more specialist and considers herself a trauma therapist, having trained in EMDR (Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing) and IFS (Internal Family Systems Therapy). She now works solely online in private or independent practice.

She began transitioning to becoming a supervisor in 2010 and was certified by BACP in 2014. After completing all 3 levels of IFS training, she began offering IFS supervision and became an Approved IFS Clinical Consultant in January of 2020.

The idea that she could produce a book on IFS supervision came to her in January of 2019 and the multi-author book Internal Family Systems Therapy: Supervision and Consultation was published in August 2022. When the pandemic lockdown hit in 2020, she used the space this provided to begin writing a second book Transitioning to Internal Family Systems Therapy: A Companion for Therapists and Practitioners which was completed in the summer of 2022 and published in April 2023. Both books are published by Routledge.

Emma has another multi-author book scheduled for publication later this year.